Thou art light, fill me with thy light

Thou art Light, fill me with Thy Light

ECHO, Western Music Society of JMC

Logo of the Society

ECHO, the Western Music Society of Jesus and Mary College, stands as a testament to the harmonious blend of talent, dedication, and camaraderie within the Delhi University (DU) circuit. Comprising 25-30 members, ECHO is renowned for its exceptional performances and is recognized as one of the top Western music societies within DU.

Annual Acapella Performance and Competitions

Each year, ECHO members come together to compose and perform a captivating acapella piece for the annual Delhi University competitions. Their impressive performances have earned them invitations to compete at prestigious universities across India, including IIT Bombay and IIT Kanpur. Their consistent excellence has solidified their reputation as a leading Western music society, admired for their artistic prowess and innovative compositions. ECHO operates with a structured student body, including a president and vice president who lead the society with dedication and vision. Other key office bearers include the treasurer, responsible for managing finances, and the general secretary, who ensures smooth communication and organization within the society. This leadership team plays a pivotal role in maintaining the society's high standards and fostering a sense of unity among members.

Community, Events, and Ethic

A highlight of ECHO's annual calendar is Madrigal, an acapella group and solo singing competition hosted by the society. This event attracts various groups from all over Delhi, eager to showcase their talents and compete in a vibrant and supportive environment. Madrigal not only highlights the society's organizational skills but also reinforces their commitment to promoting Western music and providing a platform for budding artists. ECHO's dedication to excellence begins with their rigorous audition process, held at the beginning of every semester. Aspiring members undergo a thorough selection process to ensure that only the most talented and committed individuals join the society. This rigorous approach reflects ECHO's strong work ethic and dedication to maintaining high performance standards.

Beyond competitions, ECHO members are deeply involved in various college events, performing at orientations, PTSA (Parent-Teacher-Student Association meetings), Winter Chimes, and other significant occasions. Their active participation in campus life fosters a close-knit community, where members spend considerable time together, forging lasting bonds and building a sisterhood. This sense of camaraderie enhances their performances, as the strong connections among members translate into seamless and emotionally resonant musical pieces.

Through their outstanding performances, commitment to excellence, and strong sense of community, they continue to set a high standard within the DU circuit. Their annual events, leadership structure, and dedication to fostering talent ensure that ECHO remains a beacon of Western music on campus and beyond. As they continue to compose, perform, and compete, ECHO's legacy of musical brilliance and sisterhood will undoubtedly endure, inspiring future generations of musicians.


Echo won the 1st prize in western acapella singing at Daulat Ram College, DU (2024)

Echo won the 1st prize in western acapella singing at Delhi Technological University (2024)

Echo won the 2nd Prize at Magnificat 2023, Christ (Deemed to be University) Delhi (2023)

Echo won the 1st prize in western acapella singing at IIT Kanpur (2023)



Society Convenor

- Ms. Sarah Hormeila Awungshi, Assistant Professor
Department of Psychology,
Jesus and Mary College

Faculty Advisors

- Dr. Sabiha Mazid, Assistant Professor, Department of Sociology

- Dr. Naomi Therese Jose, Assistant Professor Department of English

- Ms. Asma Nisar, Assistant Professor Department of Psychology

Office Bearers (2024-2025)

President :Aleena Tom (220055), B.A. (Hons) Economics

Vice President : Archana Sheeba Kumar (220157), B.A. (Hons) English

General Sec. : Eden Ann Dawson (230938), B.A. (Hons) History



Instagrame: echo.jmc